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Thursday, July 28, 2016

It's a Kind of Magic

Magick — the ability to shape outcomes according to will — is both a science and an art. Variations on the theme of the magical have existed from the earliest times; most ancient cultures had their form of magic and similar practices persisted through the ages. The problem–and the reason for the triumph of “modern” scientific and industrial practices over the magical–was that, although the concept of bending reality to conform with Will was valid, the process by which it was achieved was not. Occult imagery, rituals, and dancing around with supposed spiritual beings is not the way to practice magick. If that’s your thing it may be fun, but the end result will not be satisfying. Some of the consequences of these methods may lead to results: looking systemically, effectively engaging and entertaining people in furthering a cause, stripping away the unnecessary and having a clear strategy can produce magical outcomes. There are simpler, more effective, ways to do this however.

Unfortunately the industrial-age, with its focus on factory production and Cartesian logic has stripped away a lot of the magick from life. Conformity is the new God, and its worship requires that identical raw materials are processed to give consistent product. It teaches that cause leads to effect and effects can be measured. It condenses complexity into binary choices (pass/fail, either/or) to allow box-checkers to do their jobs. Be it in schools, corporations, or any community working to produce a result, very often systems are designed to ensure conformity and linearity, rather than creativity and innovation to provide a service.

The new sister blog to "Got Impact?"--Itsa Kinda Magick--is dedicated to the pursuit of magick without potions, pentagrams and prancing. Cutting to the essence of what puts the magic back in life and allowing destiny to be shaped to the extent possible in ways that are fun and rewarding. It’s not too late! As Jenny Lewis puts it:
“There’s a little bit of magic, everybody has it. There’s a little bit of sand left in the hourglass”

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