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Sunday, January 8, 2012


Time and energy are really the only factors we have at our disposition; how do we use these to make a powerful impact? One core skill to develop is that of model-building, as Lord Kelvin said:
"If ye canna mak’ a model, ye dinna understan’ it"
Translating from his strong Welsh :) dialect, this means that unless we have a mental model we have little chance of really comprehending what's going on. Models provide a way to:

  • Have fun! They can be played with and adapted
  • Predict outcomes from actions, simulating and playing "what if" games
  • Organize the plethora of information that we receive
  • Explore and understand patterns and trends
  • Improve our grasp of reality
  • Encourage systems thinking
  • Simplify!

The use of mental models allows us to retain and use information at an intuitive level, improving speed and quality of decision making, guiding all our interactions with the external world. They are a key tool in improving impact and many of the forthcoming posts will describe simple models that can be used. Of course, many have written about the power of models, including Confucius who noted that it is better to have a common theme, a mental thread that we can always follow:
The master said “Ssu, do you take me for one who studies much and remembers it all?”
“Yes” was the reply. 
“Is it not so?”
“No.  I link all upon a single thread.”  [1]
More contemporary references are found in Peter Senge's book The Fifth Discipline [2] and, musically, the last word has to go to Kraftwerk and "Das Model", four unlikely looking Germans who made a huge impact on music [3].


  1.  Confucius. Analects (15.3)
  2. Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization.
  3. Kraftwerk "Das Model"

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